Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reflective Post 3

Today we traveled from Warsaw to Krakow by train. As we traveled, the soviet legacy that pervades this country was ever more present to me. Once we left the city, there were no suburbs just rural areas looking incredibly depressed. As we traveled I realized that I had not seen a church, hospital, or school in over an hour. There happened to be at least one school, we could tell from the playground equipment, but no obvious school buildings like one would see in the states or even the ones we saw in Warsaw. The largest buildings that we saw were abandoned factories. The entire area just looked depressed. When we arrived in Krakow, I remembered how amazing it was from my previous visit. This city had not been devastated by the Nazis during World War II and its beautiful historical buildings still remained intact. Taylor and I took the afternoon to explore the old town and taste some of the wonderful Polish cuisine. The history and beauty of this city is apparent to anyone that steps foot here.

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