Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reflective Post 4

Today was a tour of the Krakow Jewish sector. The weather was not terribly accommodating but I believe the miserable weather added to the gravity of the location. We arrived in the Jewish quarter and stood in the old town square, where our guide told us how this part of the city was historically its own city because according to Polish law, Jews were not allowed to settle within city limits. We visited three different synagogues and learned that these were three of seven within the city. As we left the oldest synagogue we walked through the old Jewish cemetery where important Jews had been buried. The ornate and beautiful tombstones were impressive but I was appalled when our tour guide told us that the cemetery had been used as a trash dump during the Nazi occupation. I just could not believe that the Nazis dehumanized people even though they were dead. After this we went to the center of the Jewish ghetto and walked to Oscar Schindler's factory. The history of Schindler's factory was interesting to me however I wish i had seen the movie before we went.

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