Sunday, March 8, 2015

Reflective Post 5

Krakow, City of Kings

Today we toured the city of Krakow, which was the first capital of Poland all the way back in the 13th century. We started the day at my favorite place in Poland, the Wawel Castle. The large and beautiful castle sits up on the hill and looks down on the rest of the city. as we walked through the large gates we looked down on the Vistula River and beheld the beautiful view of the city. as we looked over the city we saw the infamous wawel dragon statue that stands guard in front of the cave underneath the castle. We heard the story of the dragon that terrorized the city until the King had the dragon poisoned and he exploded from the amount of water he drank. Then as we approached the entrance to the beautiful church at the center of the castle our tour guide pointed to the "dragon bones" that hung from the door that, as legend has it, if those bones fell then the castle will fall too. This church and the church of the Virgin Mary that dominates the city square were some of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. The ornate gold statues and detailed paintings were incredible. These churches are awe inspiring and i fully believe that everyone should go see them.

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